[Res.] ALSANQIKFLRSLRERKYRLREQAFAVEGPKLVGELPFYRCRLVGTAALRAVSTPHDAEVVELPESFDFKRISTQTTPQPLAVFDLPAEPEPVVEGLTLL : chn 1 [Pred] --0*A**0AAAAAA***AAAAAA0*000000000000*AA-00000AAAAAA00Q*00A00000A000QAAAA0RG00QA0000000000QA00ARAAA0 : chn 1 [Accu] --65535656533432567888465677856556565599-65443678865666554544477234435566666555547885757983356343544 : chn 1 [Mult] --_2_32_______232_______2____________2__-______________2____________________________________________ : chn 1 [Comp] --_c_ccF_____Fccc____FFFc____FFFFFFFFcFF-F____F___FF__FcF_F_____FFF___FFFFFF__FFF______F__FF__FFFFF_ : chn 1 [Actu] --0QAAAAAAAAABGQAAAAABRG00000QAAAA9IQG000O0000QAAABG0000R0000000QBG0QAB00RGR000RG000000R000000000000 : chn 1 [Res.] + LDGVQDPGNVGTILRTADWFGIRHVWLGTGSADVFSPKVVQASGALARVQPTPLKNTVDTLAYFRRQGIPVYGAFLDGQSLYEAPLPNFTEPAILVLGSE : chn 1 [Pred] + 000**GR*0Q000A0AB*--R0**00*000**AAA**AA0***0RA**0000Q***A00000AAAABR0000*AA0R*000AAA00R**AAAA0000000 : chn 1 [Accu] + 555236745436645643--99559958453255725364332532356888545556454759865997874564224755559753547755786647 : chn 1 [Mult] + ___43__2_________3--__22__2___23___42___222___22_____222________________2____2_________32___________ : chn 1 [Comp] + __Fcc_FcFFFFF_F_Fc--__cc__c__FccFFFcc__FcccFF_ccF___FcccFFFFFF__________cFFFFc__F_FF__FccFFFF______F : chn 1 [Actu] + 00RR3GQAAAAAAAAAAAABR03000000R000QBGQAAAABGRQAB0G00000R0QAAAAAAAAABR0000000RG000QABG0000QBG00000000Q : chn 1 [Res.] + GRGISPEVAAEITDRLTIPASGLSVESLNVAIATAILCSEWRRRS : chn 1 [Pred] + R*R00QAAAAAAAA00000A0R000000AAAAAAAAA--AAAA-- : chn 1 [Accu] + 4263788678656553676326685563347788999--9999-- : chn 1 [Mult] + _3___________________________________--____-- : chn 1 [Comp] + FcF_______FFFF_____F_FFFFF__FF_______--____-- : chn 1 [Actu] + B0000QAAAABGR000000000RGPJ000QAAAAAAAAAAAAA-- : chn 1 Statistics Success rate = 0.4564 (= #'_' / (#aa - #chn * 4)) : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6D.code Extended success rate = 0.5934 (= (#'_' + #'c') / (#aa - #chn * 4)) : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6D.code Coverage = 0.9793 (= (#aa - #'-') / (#aa - #chn * 4)) : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6D.code Mult candidate rate = 0.1369 (= #'*' / (#aa - #chn * 4)) : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6D.code Ave. accuracy = 0.5889 : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6D.code // Remarks // (0) Genaral // '-' means no entry in the frag_code.tbl table. // (1) Statistics // 2 amino acids at both ends of chains are excluded from computation. // '#aa' denotes the number of all amino acids. // '#chn' denotes the number of all chains. // (2) [pred] entry // '*' means multiple candidates for the position. // (3) [accu] entry // Accuracy = #{occurrence of the predicted code in the conversion table} / // #{occurrence of the amino acid fragment in the table}. // (In the case of multiple candidates, the occurence of one of them is considered.) // And 'n' means prediction accuracy is greater than or equal to n / 10. // (4) [mult] entry // '_' means single candidate. // 'n' denotes the number of candidates. // 'U' means the number of candidates is greater than 9. // (5) [comp] entry // '_' means successful prediction. // 'F' means prediction failure. // 'c' means the actual code is contained in the condidates.