[Code] --R000000GQG30000QAAAAAAAAAB3RQBQAAB0PJ0QAAAAABRR00QAAAAAAAAAABRG000QAAAAAAAAABGR0R0QAAAAAAAABHAG000 : chn 1 [Pred] -----------*GVGLSPEELAELLKALG*R--------PL*ALVEAGLLSPEEAAALLAALLGRPLTPEEVAALLAELSDTKSIQHLIRLISQV**VVV : chn 1 [Hit.] -----------02UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU100--------13UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU773332222210003UUU : chn 1 [Accu] -----------51111212211112112649--------3211211151221111111121125111112211111111111124233222429951111 : chn 1 [Mult] -----------2_________________2_--------__2_____________________________________________________22___ : chn 1 [Comp] -----------cFFF_FF__FFFFF__F_cF--------F_cFFF_F_FF_F__FFFF_FFFF_FF__FFF_FFF_FFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF_FFccFFF : chn 1 [Res.] AIRNIVFDLGGVLIHLNREESIRRFKAIGVADIEELDPKGLFLDLESGRKSEEEFRTELSRYIGKELTYQQVYDALLGFLEEISAEKFDYIDSLRPDYRL : chn 1 [Code] + 0000R00QAAAAABGQAB0QBR00QAABGR0000QA83000OGQAAAAAAAAB00QABG0000RGQAAAAAAAAB00000000RR0RRQAAAAAAAB-- : chn 1 [Pred] + VVPPGLDPEELAA***ILFPDAKN--------------A****QE*VEAVLSEFGPERVVVVDDDPEAAEALLEAGAEVVLVDGGGTGILSAFAAK*GP : chn 1 [Hit.] + UUUUUUUUUUUUU41000000000--------------00001269UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU976432 : chn 1 [Accu] + 110121112111112599999999--------------5333322112122121331131111121111112111510211113273934221333152 : chn 1 [Mult] + _____________222________--------------_2222__3__________________________________________________2__ : chn 1 [Comp] + FFFFFFF_FF_FFcccFFF_FFFF--------------FccccFFcFFFFFFFFF__FFFFF__F_FFFFFFFFF_FFFFFF_F_FFF_FFFFFFFcFF : chn 1 [Res.] + FLLSNTNPYVLDLASPRFLPSGRTLDSFFDKVYASCQGKYKPNEDIFLEIADSGKPEETLFIDDGPANVATAERLGFHTYCPDNGENWIPAITRLLREQ : chn 1 Statistics Success rate = 0.1608 (= #'_' / (#aa - #chn * 0)) : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6X.code Extended success rate = 0.2312 (= (#'_' + #'c') / (#aa - #chn * 0)) : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6X.code Coverage = 0.8342 (= (#aa - #'-') / (#aa - #chn * 0)) : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6X.code Mult candidate rate = 0.0704 (= #'*' / (#aa - #chn * 0)) : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6X.code Ave. accuracy = 0.2812 : ./PDBdata/TBM/2I6X.code // Remarks // (0) General // 'The [Res.] and the [Code] entries show the actual sequences of residues and codes respectively. // '-' means no entry in the frag_code.tbl table. // (1) Statistics // 0 amino acids at both ends of chains are excluded from computation. // '#aa' denotes the number of all amino acids. // '#chn' denotes the number of all chains. // (2) [Pred] entry // The predicted amino-acid sequence is shwon. // '*' means multiple candidates for the position. // (3) [Hit.] entry // Hit count = #{occurrence of the code-fragment in the conversion table} // 'n' means hit count is greater than or equal to n * 10. // 'U' means hit count is greater than 99. // (4) [Accu] entry // Accuracy = #{occurrence of the predicted amino-acid-fragment in the conversion table} / // #{occurrence of the code-fragment in the table}. // (In the case of multiple candidates, the occurence of one of them is considered.) // And 'n' means prediction accuracy is greater than or equal to n / 10. // (5) [Mult] entry // '_' means single candidate. // 'n' denotes the number of candidates. // 'U' means the number of candidates is greater than 9. // (6) [Comp] entry // '_' means successful prediction. // 'F' means prediction failure. // 'c' means the actual code is contained in the condidates.