HeteroNumberViewer (ver. 0.3)  -  Show the tetrahedron flow defined by a standard cone. Using the controls, one could view tetrahedron flows interactively. HeteroNumberViewer is a OpenGL program written in C and uses the GLUT library.  
(About ver. 0.3: a bug in the IN/BOUDARY/OUT classification module is fixed.)

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HeteroNumberViewer [-x] [-r] [-o] [-l safelimit] [-h]    filename

% HeteroNumberViewer  filename    (compute trajectories around the peaks)
% HeteroNumberViewer -x -o  filename    (compute all closed trajectories and output a ".tetra" file)
% HeteroNumberViewer -l 5000  filename    (set the safelimit to 5000)


A ".hnv" file which specifies the peaks of a standard cone.


Open a view window and show information of the flow on the command line.
And print out a ".tetra" file which contains more detailed infomation if either the "-o" option is specified or or the "O" control is selected.

In the follwing examples, click the images to view larger images.

Examples: jpg image
jpg image jpg image jpg image
".hnv" file
View window
Summary on
command line
".tetra" file
(detailed info.)


There are some keys (toggle switches) you can use:


HeteroNumberViewer reads a ".hnv" file and shows the tetrahedron flow defined by the standard cone specified by the peaks in the ".hnv" file.
    Using the controls, one could view tetrahedron flows interactively:  start the program -> edit the input file -> reload the file (press 'L' or 'X') -> save the flow (press 'S') -> edit the input file -> ...

Thetrahedron trajectories which visit at least one of the peaks are computed using the conjugate (default / the 'L' control) or extended conjugate roof (the "-x" option / the 'X' control).
      If the conjugate roof is used, trajectories around the peaks of the standard cone only are computed. And you may miss some of the closed trajectories define by the cone.
      If the extended conjugate roof is used, all closed trajectories which visit at least one of the peaks are obtaied but it takes longer time.
In the follwing examples, click the images to view larger images.

Examples: jpg image
jpg image jpg image jpg image
Closed traj.s Open traj.s
Standard cone Conjugate roof

The following options are available:

By default, thetrahedron trajectories are computed using the conjugate roof. If -x is specified, extended conjugate roof is used. And all closed trajectories which visit at least one of the peaks are obtaied but it takes longer time.

By default, all peaks specified in the ".hnv" file are used to compute the conjugate roof. If -r is specified, redundant peaks are removed before computing the conjugate roof.
(If -x is specified, -r is also specified automatically.)

By default, summary information of the tetrahedron flow is shown on the display. If -o is specified, the ".tetra" file is created in the current directory which contains detailed information of the current flow.

-l  length
By default, maximum length of all tetrahedron trajectories is 3000. If the -l option is specified, the safelimit is set to "length".

If -h is specified, synopsis is shown.

In the follwing examples, click the images to view larger images.

Example1: jpg image
jpg image jpg image jpg image
".hnv" file default
(all traj.s)
the "-x" option
(closed traj.s)
the "-x" option
(open traj.s)

Example2: jpg image
jpg image jpg image jpg image
".hnv" file default
(all traj.s)
the "-x" option
(closed traj.s)
the "-x" option
(open traj.s)